Finding Funding
For Mentors
Fun Stuff
GitHubs of interest:
Grad School
"Pursue a PhD in Statistics" - A webinar panel on how to apply to graduate school in statistics
UW Department of Statistics Pre-Application Review Service (PARS)
Research and Internship Opportunities
National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergrads (REUs)
Finding Summer Research Opportunities - Profs. Judith Canner (CSUMB) and Kyle Hasenstab (SDSU)
Check out SIAM for more information on Industry, Research, and Government Careers and Internships: Internships | SIAM
Check out ASA for more information on Statistics and Data Science Internships (be sure to search through for undergraduate positions): Internships and Fellowships
On LinkedIn, search for “Data Intern” or “Statistics Intern” to find possible internships (both in-person and remote):
On Pathways to Science, search specifically for math, computational science, statistics, and operations research experiences using this database: Summer Research Programs & Scholarships in STEM (Undergrad level)
Student support services at UCSB (kindly compiled by Prof. Jack Miller)